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Crysis 3 – The Lost Island DLC Origin CD Key


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Crysis 3: The Lost Island expansion pack transports players to a lush tropical island located off the coast of Ling Shan, the setting for the events of the original Crysis. With 4 beautiful new multiplayer maps; Ascent, Coastline, Creek & Crossing, The Lost Island also includes 2 new multiplayer modes, 2 new weapons and a host of new challenges to unlock.Frenzy adds a new dimension to deathmatch, a cycling weapon loadout every 60 seconds keeps tension high as players can only respawn during the next loadout change. An intensifying radar sweep keeps track of every move. Only the most skillful Hunter will win.In Possession, players secure the single objective flag for the longest time in order to win, but once the flag is secured they become the hunted, permanently tagged in the enemies HUD. Possession also boasts a team based variant, where co-ordination and teamwork will ensure victory.

Additional information




Electronic Arts




Origin / EA app



Release date 2013-06-04
Age rating PEGI 16
Regional limitations 3


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Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1) or Windows 8
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo / 2.7 GHz AMD Athlon 64X2
At least 2 GB / 3 GB for Windows Vista
Hard Drive
At least 17 GB of free space
DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM or better / NVidia GTS 450 or AMD Radeon HD5770
DirectX 11 required
Keyboard and mouse, or dual analog controller
Online Connection Requirements
256 KBPS or faster Internet connection
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