The sequel to F.E.A.R. continues the original game's spine-tingling supernatural suspense story, of an escalating paranormal crisis that threatens to destroy a major American city. A routine assignment to locate the president of Armacham Technology Corporation in connection with an unfolding hostage crisis turns into a desperate battle for survival after an explosion decimates the city and unleashes Alma Wade, the terrifying supernatural menace at the center of Armacham’s highly classified Project Origin.
Developers | Monolith Productions |
Publishers | WB Games |
Genres | Action |
Platform | Steam |
Languages | Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish |
Release date | 2009-02-12 |
Steam | Yes |
Age rating | PEGI 18 |
Metacritic score | 79 |
Regional limitations | 3 |
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